ImPRESSions Worldwide, Inc. owns all the equipment listed.
Delivery and Installation is Available
- Goss Community C, SC, SSC Floor and Stacked Units
- Goss Community C, SC and SSC Folders
- Goss Urbanite Units and Folders
- Motors and Controllers from 20 HP to 250 HP
- Heat-set Packages, UV Systems, Rewinders, Rollstands, Zero Speed Splicers, Flying Pasters, Pneumatic Brakes, Robertson Brakes, Countoveyors, Compensating stackers, Plate Benders, Punches, Water Systems, Compressors, Clamp Trucks, Consoles, Ribbon Decks, Angle Bars, Infeeds, Ink Pumps, Inserting Machines, Stitcher Trimmers and virtually any other Press Equipment you might need!