Wisprint – Goss Graphic Systems China
imPRESSions Worldwide is the Goss Graphic Systems China Wisprint distributor for customers throughout the Americas. Email or call Dave Gilmore for more information at dgilmore@impressionsworldwide.com or 619-548-1409.
Vision Printing Press – DG Press
imPRESSions Worldwide is the Vision Printing Press distributor for customers in North America. Email or call Dave Gilmore for more information at dgilmore@impressionsworldwide.com or 619-548-1409.
Aftermarket Web Offset and Digital Press Equipment – Contiweb
imPRESSions Worldwide is the Contiweb agent in North America for web offset and digital press aftermarket equipment and auxiliaries.
Email or call Dave Gilmore for more information at dgilmore@impressionsworldwide.com or 619-548-1409.